
Our Mission

The Planet Protection Project is a non-profit community interest company founded to benefit our worldwide community. 
Our mission is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reverse global warming and enhance biodiversity. We will contribute to global efforts by planting trees and reinstating habitats. 
We believe that everyone has the power to make a real difference in protecting our planet, and we’re here to make it easy for you to plant trees and play your part.

Our Values

At the Planet Protection Project, we are committed to addressing the significant challenges ahead for populations around the world by reducing the impact of climate change as much as possible. 
We believe in transparency and accountability, and we’re dedicated to making a real difference in the fight against climate change. As a non-profit community interest company, our profits are used to further advance our mission, by researching zero-carbon technologies and investing in renewable energy.

Our Development

The Planet Protection Project became a community interest company at the end of 2022.
We’re excited to be taking these first steps and to making be a real impact in the fight against climate change.

“Our profits are used to combat climate change by support R&D and investing in renewable energy.”