Funding Policy

Planet Protection Project is committed to its non-profitable objectives and fundraises in order to provide services and research. We concur with the Fundraising Regulator’s Promise to be open, honest, fair and legal.
Our funding policy seeks to cover the ethical issues and social responsibility within fundraising. All Planet Protection Project staff involved in fundraising have a responsibility to be aware and have a thorough understanding of the ethical issues referred to in this policy.


Planet Protection Project respects the rights of its supporters to clear, truthful information about the work of the company; to openly report how we spend donated and statutory monies and to manage donors’ information responsibly.
We will comply with the Funding Regulators Code and UK law in every respect, including those regarding openness and honesty with our supporters and members of the public.
As applicants to register to the Fundraising Regulator’s scheme we follow its Fundraising Promise, which helps to ensure that organisations raising money do so honestly and properly.
We will respect the privacy and contact preferences of all donors. We will respond promptly to requests to cease contacts or complaints and act as best we can to address their causes.
The company is aware of the following when it comes to fundraising:
  • It will be ensured that those contributing are fully aware that the company is not a charity but a community interest company which is able to trade, pay salaries, and pay dividends if appropriate. The amount of dividends paid is limited by law, and the company is set up in this way to offer maximum flexibility in terms of employment.
  • The CIC will ensure that it meets all of the statutory guidelines in place either imposed by the local authority or, for instance, the Metropolitan Police.
  • The CIC will have a clear audit trail for all donations (including cash donations if applicable). The CIC cannot claim gift aid however any donations passed onto charities can be used to claim gift aid by that charity.


We abide by the law which requires us, in deciding whether to accept or refuse a donation, to consider which action is in the company’s best overall interest.
We will not, however, accept donations made by donors whose activities appear to be in direct conflict with the best interests of our service users.
We will not undertake business with companies or individuals who participate in activities which could cause detriment to the company’s reputation; which will disproportionately decrease the amount of donations to further the work of the company, or go against the company’s values.
The responsibility of the judgement on whether Mental Health Innovations should refuse a donation lies first with the Director of Income, the Executive Board and ultimately the Board of Trustees.


This policy recognises our legal requirements as a company to maximise our income in line with our mission to protect the planet by investing in people, products and initiatives that will prevent climate change and/or enhance biodiversity, whilst ensuring that our activities and behaviour comply with the law. This policy applies to funding for Planet Protection Project.
Planet Protection Project acknowledges that the generosity of our donors and partners enables us to carry out our company activities. While our aim is to maximise our income we recognise that on very rare occasions we may consider refusing a donation or other involvement with a sponsor or a particular activity. In such an instance we will act with the utmost integrity. We will respect any matters of legitimate confidentiality and, in conducting all discussions and conveying the decision, will aim to respect the dignity of the prospective donor.
We comply with and support the Fundraising Regulator’s Promise to be legal, open, honest and respectful. We uphold their vision of a world where fundraising is ethical and giving is sustainable; where donors and fundraisers have respect for each other.


This policy outlines the responsibilities of Planet Protection Project fundraising. This policy applies to all employees and board members, regardless of location, grade/position, hours of work and type of contract, e.g. permanent, temporary or fixed-term.
This policy is aligned to our values which are an integral part of our fundraising.


This policy is due for review annually or following any relative legislative changes, whichever comes first. The policy will be reviewed by the Director(s).
This policy covers the following topics:
  • Planet Protection Project context
  • Planet Protection Project policy focus
  • Planet Protection Project supporters
  • Process for receipt of gifts or other benefits for Planet Protection Project staff
  • Levels of authority
  • Policy implementation


Planet Protection Project seeks to reduce climate change and improve biodiversity, and our approach to raising funds is determined by this. The law allows for situations where a donation may be refused where we can demonstrate objective reasons to show that the acceptance of the donation would not be in our best interests. In all cases we will ensure we comply with the law, the Fundraising Regulator and other relevant regulatory bodies with powers instituted by statute.
All decisions on acceptance and refusal of donations or sale of donated items must be grounded in Planet Protection Project’s vision, purpose, values and operational policies. Any decision should not be affected by personal, political, religious or commercial interests, or by personal views on political, religious or ethical issues that are not directly related to our work.
In the instance that accepting a donation would be perceived to be clearly unlawful (e.g. the gift comprises the proceeds of crime), we would also refuse to receive this type of gift.


Planet Protection Project will give due consideration to all potential fundraising activities before engaging in financial relationships with individuals or organisations.
Planet Protection Project will conduct all fundraising activity lawfully and with due respect for individuals and companies that we may contact, with whom we develop relationships or partnerships, both past and present.
Any decision to refuse a donation or engage in a fundraising activity will be taken on a case by case basis, guided and limited by the provisions of this policy.
Our approach will be based on the following influencing factors:
  • fit with Planet Protection Project’s vision, mission or strategic plan
  • fit with our income strategy
  • fit with Planet Protection Project’s policies or protocols
  • any impact on our CIC status
  • any impact on our reputation
  • minimising risk of loss of significant donations from other sources
  • existing contractual obligations
  • Planet Protection Project will not pursue fundraising support or philanthropic relationships with companies which do not fit with this policy.
Planet Protection Project will accept anonymous gifts – whereby the identity of the donor is genuinely unknown – whilst retaining the right to return the gift if subsequent identification reveals the contravention of this policy. Planet Protection Project will discuss with known supporters the acceptance of anonymous gifts. However, the decision to donate anonymously will not exempt the supporter from compliance with this policy.
Planet Protection Project will be vigilant in identifying and avoiding cases of Tainted Donations, whereby a prospective donor seeks to gain access to tax benefits, only for the capital or a benefit from the donation to end up back in the hands of the donor. The company will endeavour to identify these cases and not accept these gifts. Tainted Donations have been defined in our anti-money laundering policy.
We recognise that supporters are entitled to know how Planet Protection Project spends the money they give. Therefore, an annual statement of accounts will be published, and in addition, all reasonable requests for information on expenditure will be welcomed and details supplied.
Our application to apply with the Fundraising Regulator means we are committed to best practice in Fundraising and adhere to the principles as set out in their Code of Fundraising Practice.
Where it is deemed not to be in the best interests of Planet Protection Project to accept or keep a donation, we may seek advice or authority from the Fundraising Regulator.


Planet Protection Project respects the rights of its supporters to clear, truthful information on the work of Planet Protection Project; to openly report how we spend donations and to manage donors’ information responsibly and in line with The General Data Protection Regulation.
We will comply with the Funding Regulator code and UK law in every respect, including those regarding openness and honesty with our supporters and members of the public.
As applicants for registration of the Fundraising Regulators scheme, we follow its Fundraising Promise.
In line with the Fundraising Regulators code of fundraising practices consider the needs to any possible donors who may be in vulnerable circumstances or may need extra care and information to make an informed decisions.
We respect the privacy and contact preferences of all donors. We will respond promptly to requests to update contact preferences or complaints and act as best we can to address their causes. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.


Planet Protection Project provide much needed support to achieving our aims and objectives. In additional to the refusal criteria the following criteria provide a route by which the Director(s) can review and assess donations.
Planet Protection Project does not directly endorse products or services. Where a product or service is promoted by Planet Protection Project in connection with a third party, the nature of the relationship is made clear. Planet Protection Project will make it clear that is does not seek to recommend that service or that third party above that of another.
Planet Protection Project will only enter into corporate partnerships where the company adheres to the Modern Day Slavery Statement.
Only Planet Protection Project fundraising staff will have access to its database, target groups and beneficiaries. The way in which we share information is outlined in our Privacy Policy.
To ensure that all cause-related promotions reflect Planet Protection Project values, any such initiatives will be reviewed by the Director(s) for final decision.


Receipt of gifts or other benefits for Planet Protection staff
No member of Planet Protection Project staff will benefit individually or collectively from donations, loans or other material support given to the company, other than through salaries or limited dividends in line with the CIC regulations.
Levels of authority
Any decision to refuse very significant or very high profile relationships – such as a potential donation in excess of £1,000,000 a year – will be the responsibility of the Director(s). All other decisions to refuse a donation or a corporate relationship will lie with the Senior Management Team with final responsibility residing with the Director(s).

Fundraising Incident Form

Please see below content of information to be captured to enable reporting incidents.
  • Date that incident occurred
  • Date incident identified (if later)
  • Date Director(s) notified
  • Name of person reporting incident
  • Phone number of person reporting incident
  • Incident type
  • Director(s) decision
  • Date resolved
  • Incident Reference Number: (please refer to incident log for sequential number)